Contract Information

Cooperative NamePurchasePros
Contract NamePreferred
Contract Number10100351-PV-ROOFING SYSTEMS-2020
Contract Term01/19/2021 - 12/01/2024
CategoriesPhysical Plant
Physical Plant: Roofing

Supplier Information

HomepagePreferred Construction Services
Phone(270) 827-5800
AddressPO Box 283
Henderson, KY 42419
ClassificationsPreferred Supplier


KPC Roofing and Service Contracts

Roofing Systems and Services is a complete delivery of multiple types of roof systems and services. It includes field evaluations, core samples, scans, structural analysis, solution development and can include design services. Multiple roof systems are available for installation including metal standing seam, modified bitumen, single ply membrane and maintenance coating systems. The program also includes provision for repairs and maintenance of existing systems. The technical specifications are built around Garland roofing systems as the basis of design.


Procurement was based on Best Value proposition per KRS 45A Model Procurement using scored performance metrics to ensure the highest level of contractor expertise and to lower Owner risk.