Contract Information

Cooperative NamePurchasePros
Contract NamePreferred
Contract Number10100336-PV-GROCERY-2024
Contract Term07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025

Supplier Information

HomepageGordon Food Service
Phone(502) 215-1000
Address342 Gordan Industrial Drive
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
ClassificationsPreferred Supplier


PurchasePros has awarded a Prime Vendor contract to Gordon Food Service for grocery and other miscellaneous items.  This prime vendor contract creates efficiencies by allowing our members to deal with a single supplier for ordering, deliveries, and invoicing. Pricing for primary bid items is subject to semi-annual escalation/de-escalation while pricing for secondary items may change monthly.** Fresh produce items are bid at market price plus a fixed fee per case. Gordon Food Service also provides a competitive weekly produce quote to our members for use when making produce purchases utilizing small purchase procedure guideline