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Contract Information

Cooperative NamePurchasePros
Contract NamePreferred
Contract Number10100324-GESC-2018
Contract Term09/18/2018 - 09/30/2024
CategoriesPhysical Plant
Physical Plant: Guaranteed Energy Savings

Supplier Information

Address9300 Shelbyville Road, Suite 1025
Louisville, KY 40222
ClassificationsPreferred Supplier


What do PurchasePros Guaranteed Energy Savings Contracts Provide?

  • Time savings with the BG-1 process
  • Defined scope before contract
  • Detailed engineering design
  • A Design Build process that ensures materials and systems that meet your energy goals
  • Training for staff and student programs
  • A PurchasePros consultant to provide support for project methodology on behalf of the owner
  • Open book pricing that facilitates owner input regarding energy goals, and selection of prime contractors and materials
  • Vendors that provide ongoing support and commissioning for project outcomes regarding maintenance and operations